Scientific Name: Corundum
Chemical Formula: Al2O3
Sapphires are commonly thought of as a deep blue gem. Sapphires actually come in all color types – at The Charles Collection, we offer Blue, Pink and Yellow. Different color Sapphires result from presence of different trace minerals within the Sapphire crystal. Titanium causes the blue reflection of a Blue Sapphire, whereas chromium will create a Pink Sapphire. At the same time, a “pure” sapphire (one with no mineral traces within) is colorless.
Most gem-quality Sapphires are mined in Sri Lanka, Madagascar and Myanmar, with smaller production out of other various locations.
Sapphire is an exceptionally hard crystal structure, second only to the diamond. So hard is the sapphire that industrial-grade sapphires are used to make emery paper and other abrasives. High-grade sapphires, however, have been treasured as precious jewels for centuries.
The Blue Sapphires are the most commonly known. They are the birthstone of those born in September. Boasting high color intensity, this jewel is cut hexagonally to maximize its color, rather than size. Blue Sapphires range from the pale light blue of a clear sky to the deep royal blue of the sea.
Blue Sapphires have been kept in the jewelry boxes of celebrities and placed in settings of royal engagement rings. The Blue Sapphire remains the most sought-after colored gemstone. It is treasured by Kings and Queens. Owners and collectors pride themselves on possessing a stone rarer than diamond. The vibrant, color-saturated Blue Sapphire is a beautiful gift to give to a loved one – or yourself!
Factors that determine the monetary value of a Blue Sapphire are:
Blue Sapphires come out of the ground with little color or clarity and require heat treatment
The deeper tone of blue is considered more valuable.
Richer saturations of Blue Sapphires will normally bring a higher price point.
As with all gemstones, inclusions within the stone will result in lower prices.
Like all gemstones, a larger Sapphire will garner a higher price.
All of the above considerations must be taken together to value a Blue Sapphire. A larger Sapphire with less clarity might cost less than a smaller stone with better tone and saturation.
When purchasing a Sapphire, personal taste is the most important consideration. Choose the Blue Sapphire that appeal to you!
Pink Sapphires were relatively scarce to the majority of jewelry markets until the recent discovery of new deposits in Madagascar in the late 1990’s. Before this discovery, jewelry-grade Pink Sapphires were found only in Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Myanmar in very small numbers. The uncovering of the latest deposit has resulted in a steady market of Pink Sapphires from pale pastel pink to deep sunset pink in unrivaled quality and numbers.
The superiority of the new deposits in Madagascar is enough that heat treatment is less necessary – increasing the Pink Sapphire’s value. Without high heat, the Pink Sapphire will often reach the market with almost no alteration of its internal characteristics, (the cause of inclusions). Frequently only low heat treatment is required to enhance the color properties of the gem before sale.
When considering purchasing a Pink Sapphire, you should take the following into account:
A Pink Sapphire should have a uniform color within the stone from all angles. The intensity or saturation of the color is a personal choice, and does not change the monetary value of the stone.
A well cut Sapphire will have maximum light reflection.
Look for little-to-no visible inclusions.
Sapphire, larger ct weights are extremely rare.
The Padparadscha is the rarest of the Sapphires, and makes a beautiful piece of jewelry. These extremely rare stones are strikingly beautiful. The name “Padparadscha” (pronounced “Pad-para-dscha”) is actually a Sanskrit word describing the color of a tropical lotus flower common in the areas of the world where the stone is found. The color range of these gems often fall within a mix of yellow, pink and orange – calling to mind the sunsets, fruit and flowers of the tropics for which is it named.
Although produced in Australia, Myanmar and Thailand in small numbers, the Yellow Sapphire is mainly supplied by Madagascar and Sri Lanka. Just like Blue and Pink Sapphires, the heat treatment needed affects it value – and like the Pink Sapphire, the Padparadscha requires little-to-no high heat treatment, and very little low heat treatment.
Padparadschas are mostly unknown among most consumers because there have been literally so few in circulation. Most fine Padparapadschas in the market are purchased by collectors and individuals who have been waiting and searching for the right stone. The market for these sapphires is small, yet the demand is very high. For this reason, prices can be astronomical for very fine pieces.
A purely yellow Sapphire is nearly indistinguishable from a yellow diamond when viewed from the naked eye, so it is a wonderful alternative to consider. With the recent popularity of the Yellow Diamond, the Yellow Padparadscha Sapphire has also seen an increase in demand.
Yellow Sapphires are believed to have great positive effects on their wearers according to astrology.