
Scientific Name: Corundum
Chemical Formula: Al2O3::Cr

The Ruby is actually of the same family as the Sapphire. Both of these precious gemstones have the same internal structure. The ruby gets its color from trace elements of chromium. There is no specified level of redness that defines a ruby. Corundum with a purplish red color in one of these stones may be categorized as either a Ruby or a Sapphire.

Rubies have been one of the world’s most valued gemstones for thousands of years. The ruby is included in the Bible as one of the twelve stones created by God and placed on the breastplate of Aaron. Rubies are said to bring serenity and protect against injury. This brilliant gemstone is the traditional birthstone of July.

Color is a strong consideration in determining the value of a Ruby. The deepest, fieriest red Rubies are highly treasured. The most desirable tone is an intense, almost florescent red. Rubies have been prized for their beauty, durability, and rarity for centuries.

Most rubies are mined in Burma, Tanzania, and Madagascar. Small deposits of rubies occur in Vietnam, Kenya, Thailand, and Cambodia, Colombia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and in the United States. High quality Burmese rubies are often more highly priced than diamonds. Gem quality rubies are uncommon and usually small. Perfect stones are always a rarity

Heat treatment can improve the transparency and color of rubies. This treatment is permanent. Heated stones do not require special care.

When purchasing a Ruby, you should consider:

The deeper, brighter, more pure and saturated the red, the higher the value of the stone.

Burmese Rubies may be the most sought after. Other East Asian suppliers are considered to deliver higher quality stones. Do be deterred. If you are buying for beauty rather than value – heat treated stones from other locations are often as (or more!) beautiful.

With every gemstone purchase, The Charles Collection will work to ensure your complete satisfaction.